NUIT 2 Ambient Hardcore

En partenariat avec Bise Noire

21h30 15€ - Pass 2 jours 25€
    Bass Music, Toulouse
  • olesia
    Trance/Tribe/Tekno/Black Metal, Bruxelles
    Hard Dance, Belgique

CB et bar sur place, pas de restauration.
Les soirées au Mistral Palace se destinent à tous les publics sans exclusivité. Nous serons attentifs à ce que les événements soient des espaces conviviaux et nous observerons une tolérance zéro face aux violences sexistes et sexuelles, aux violences transphobes, homophobes, validistes et xénophobes. Si vous ne partagez pas ces valeurs avec nous, abstenez-vous de venir nous visiter. Dans le respect des valeurs que nous défendons, vous êtes tous les bienvenus.

BISE NOIRE est une double soirée à la croisée des genres des cultures underground. AMBIENT HARDCORE est sa devise. Le collectif y recherche les points de convergences et se questionne : quels liens renouer pour nous unir ?

    Bass Music, Toulouse

    Jan Loup is a producer, DJ, and sound technician since 2018, creating her sonic magic from a

    secluded hut in Toulouse, France. Her sets are an intense exploration of sound, blending modern dubstep, dark drum and bass, percussive halftime, and herbaceous tribe into

    peripheral sonic collages. These sets, rich in texture and energy, go beyond mere music; they

    extract new meanings and stories from the raw force of sound, creating immersive experiences for her audience. She has performed in Nuit Sonore, Boiler Room, Ankali, La Nature, Positive Education, Gaité Lyrique, Le Sucre, Am Bach, or Les Siestes Électroniques, among many others. You can find most of her news online through the regular net.

    After several releases in different labels, in 2024 she published her firsts EPs. The first one was released on Nerve Collect with remixes from Gamma Intel & Maquis Sound System; the

    second one on Jupiter4 with remixes from Eyeza & Sha Ru. An integral figure in the city’s alternative nightlife with Le Comité Des Fêtes or Aïra, she thrives in the underground world of sound-system gatherings and ambient daytime listening events. She owns a 10K system as well, and travels around the world alongside her druide acolyte Maquis. Her presence is not only felt through her powerful performances but also through her active support of female and

    FLINTA representation in the local scene. Jan Loup is committed to different collective

    projects such as Le Comité Des Fêtes which focus on sound system parties inviting new exciting local and sometimes international electronic music projects, in an affordable and community connected shape. She’s also part of the Aïra collective, a 4-member-collective gathered around ambient music, organising “dimanche onirique”, ambient Sunday events as new ways to gather and meet in chill, slowed down and dreamy times.

  • olesia

    Co-founder of London’s *FLINTA label, event and mix series Technomate (, London-based artist olesia single-handedly brings powerhouse energy and initiative to all endeavours under their name. An advocate for diversity and queer representation across all aspects of their creative work and day-to-day life, olesia rejects rigid ideas around gender, sexuality and archaic notions within the music industry. As a DJ, olesia explores the different realms of electronic music, seamlessly mixing a diverse range of styles, combining high-tempo, trance-inspired melodies with powerful kickdrums and trippy soundscapes, all brought together with vibrant energy.

    Trance/Tribe/Tekno/Black Metal, Bruxelles

    Emma Dowdy is one of the monikers of Belgian producer and visual artist Gaspard Emma Hers. The sharp-cutting and yet fragile tones of their music sing to us about a radical shattering of the very borders of our known bodily reality, taking us on a journey deep inside
    haunted liminal spaces. Their melodies combine influences from chamber black metal and swampy rave sounds. For the last few years, they have been exploring the boundaries between experimental music and club/dance music. They have played live in France (La station, La marbrerie), Sweden (Norbeg Festival), Belgium (beursschouwburg, Recyclart, Minus one, Botanique..), Switzerland (Wurm, Arsenic,), the Czech Republic (Cross Club), Slovakia, Germany (Club OST, Mjut, hitnessclub), the Netherlands(gogbot festival), Spain (Razzmatazz), Italy, and Norway. They are part of the label and collective Sal de Fête and got a residency on LYL Radio (Paris) and one-off shows on Kiosk Radio (Brussels).

    Hard Dance, Belgique

    Bass-heavy psychedelic sounds and eclectic global hard dance
    Exploring a broad variety of sounds, from mixing textured club patterns in muddy tunnels to dystopian carnival music at Tomorrowland, waltur has been experimenting with the diverse possibilities that dance(able) music has to offer. A couple of years ago, she introduced herself to the public as an experimental gabber DJ through founding Burenhinder, a female* collective dedicated to developing a more ethical and inclusive platform within club and rave culture. Ever since, her approach has continually evolved into a multi-genre showcase of bass-heavy psychedelic sounds and eclectic global hard music.

    Waltur played several local clubs like Trix (Antwerp), Recyclart (Brussels), Reset (Brussels), Ancienne Belgique (Brussels) and international venues like Fuchs (Prague), Fuga (Bratislava), Le Klub (Paris), Suicide Club (Berlin), Oxi Club (Berlin), Bike Jesus (Prague), Den Anden Side (Copenhagen), Le Live (Toulon) and shared the same line-ups as following artists: Coucou Chloe, Hannah Diamond, Mechtatok, TAAHLIAH, TDJ, LSDXOXO, Crystallmess, Skinonskin, Swan Meat, Sherelle,  Casual Gabberz, Peckerhead, Von Bikrav, Paul Seul, Boe Strummer, Claude Murder, Horsegiirl, Torus, and many more.