NUIT 1 Ambient Hardcore

En partenariat avec Bise Noire

21h30 15€ - Pass 2 jours 25€
  • t0ni
    Ambient / Italo-Australian
    Club/deconstructed/afro-latin experimental, Marseille
    Dance/Electronic, Berlin
    Post EDM, Berlin
    Industrial Dance, Londres

CB et bar sur place, pas de restauration.
Les soirées au Mistral Palace se destinent à tous les publics sans exclusivité. Nous serons attentifs à ce que les événements soient des espaces conviviaux et nous observerons une tolérance zéro face aux violences sexistes et sexuelles, aux violences transphobes, homophobes, validistes et xénophobes. Si vous ne partagez pas ces valeurs avec nous, abstenez-vous de venir nous visiter. Dans le respect des valeurs que nous défendons, vous êtes tous les bienvenus.

BISE NOIRE est une double soirée à la croisée des genres des cultures underground. AMBIENT HARDCORE est sa devise. Le collectif y recherche les points de convergences et se questionne : quels liens renouer pour nous unir ?

  • t0ni
    Ambient / Italo-Australian

    t0ni is an Italo-Australian electronic music producer and DJ, founder and artistic director of label, online magazine and art-collective Soul Feeder. His work as a producer conveys raw emotions through straightforward melodies and loops reduced to the bone in search of a never truly identifiable minimalistic balance. With his latest record “Ego Death Memories”, released through Soul Feeder in 2024, he has further solidified his sound and aesthetic thanks to his uniquely emotional and melodic approach to ambient music. t0ni has gained recognition in the experimental electronic music community thanks to his unique eclectic DJ sets and live performances. With his own series of events organised with Soul Feeder he has shared the stage with some of the most influential artists of the experimental electronic music scene and has played a key role in bringing people together with his Electronic avantgardepostingTM group. Spending many of his years living and performing in China t0ni has recently moved to Berlin and has taken part of many recognised musicevents such as CTM festival.

    Club/deconstructed/afro-latin experimental, Marseille

    Gombaxx est un.e artiste basé.e à Marseille. Traversant les strates musicales, taillant des lignes de basse implacables, ses sets semblent sans limites comme un appel à faire converger des cadences aux mélodies éloignées et anachroniques.

    Dance/Electronic, Berlin

    Sodomland is the soundworld of Global and Siisyland: a borderless union of post-euphoric Ibizan melancholy and strobed-out smokescapes. They make music that glitters like minerals in white sand, an attempt to preserve clubspace memories smeared and warped by chemicals as synthetic as they are spiritual. Pink skies, lime-green beverages, white linen, neon-flecked retinas — it’s Sodomland.

    Words by @madjestickasual

    Post EDM, Berlin
    Industrial Dance, Londres

    SISSY is known for lighting up dancefloors with her ear-shattering, tooth-loosening Industrial dance and screamo-pop sets. In addition to her musical endeavours, SISSY organises 'CEHENNEM' events, spotlighting live electronic music by trans+ producers and artists. With over 7 years in Istanbul's underground music scene, SISSY has crafted a unique fusion of electronic, industrial, hardcore, and pop music, punctuated by her signature scream vocals.

    Her innovative sound and conceptual live performances have garnered attention across the EU and UK. This includes recognition from iconic fashion designer Rick Owens, who stumbled across SISSY’s work online, leading to her collaboration with him on his recent partnership with Dr. Martens. SISSY MISFIT released her debut album EXXXOSKELETON on June 7th with a visual narrative directed and edited by herself. The album has been featured on the pages of Paper Magazine, Interview Magazine, The Wire and Kaltblut and has met with acclaim.